What is your donation used for?
It is important to use to use your donation well.
All team members of the BEF work on a voluntary basis. Apart from small, unavoidable website fees, any donations therefore go directly to the projects. If you do not wish it differently, the donations are currently mainly used for the compost project in Namibia.
When implementing projects, we always pay attention to finding inexpensive and at the same time high-quality materials.
We appreciate any donation and thank you for your support. Your regular donation ensures children their future through education. You have the possibility to donate directly or via Amazon.
Can you have your donation tax deductible?
Since we are a non-profit organization, you can have your donation tax deductible. For this you will receive a donation receipt from us.
Direct Donation
For donations directly to us, you can find our bank details here. Please indicate your name as well as “donation” as purpose of payment. If you would like to receive a donation receipt, please also provide your address.
Bank details
Bildung in den Entwicklungsländern Fördern e.V.
Hamburger Sparkasse
Account number: 1501766743
IBAN: DE86 2005 0550 1501 7667 43
Example for purpose of payment: “Max Mustermann, donation, (address)”.
Support via Amazon
If you would like to shop at Amazon, click on the following link and then log in as usual:
On all subsequent purchases, we get a small cut off without you having to pay anything!
You can find detailed instructions here in this PDF:
You have various opportunities to get involved with the BEF. Feel free to contact us and learn more!

Internship report
Jessica Kaune
I completed a four-week internship at BEF in Windhoek in September 2023.
During the internship, I was particularly involved with the website and the development of the compost project. At BEF, however, interns also have a lot of freedom for their own ideas. So I could additionally start a fundraising campaign, where I collected donations of clothes and toys and brought them to Havana. My internship hours were flexible, which also allowed me to travel around the country.
Overall, it was a really great experience that I would repeat anytime.